
「Annie 王」GMAT考取750高分!

申請人姓名:Annie 王
二戰 Q51 V39 AWA4.5 IR3  總分:750(2013/10/30)
一戰 Q51 V21 AWA4.5 IR3  總分:600


教材:老師講義三次、OG13 三次、PP3三次、PP2兩次













The memo recommends that
In order to make the recommendation more persuasive, the author cites two facts of
At first glance, the author’s argument appears somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it is based on some dubious assumptions.
Initially, the author provides no assurances that ~
Secondly, even if
Moreover, the fact that~ does not prove that~
                     does not necessarily mean that
To sum up, the recommendation that ~ is unwarranted and unpersuasive due to the unsounded evidences and vulnerable assumptions.
To better justify/bolster the argument, the arguer should provide additional information of ~ and careful consideration of ~ to demonstrate the suggestion would definitely work.
  1. 其他條件固定As we all know, in a good comparison each condition should be the same except that is compared and valued.
  2. (報導數字不是真實數字)Besides, we’d better investigate the number of car accidents in person for reported number does not necessarily equal the true number of ~
  3. (需考慮其他因素來決定政策好壞) the speaker suggests nothing about other alternative solutions. Only after weighing the pros and cons of all feasible measures can we make an optimum choice.
  4. 成本效益分析: The first issue to be addressed is whether increased labor costs justify large capital expenditure to improve the work environment.
  5. To consider this, a cost benefit analysis must be made
  6. 只考慮財務面: This argument also relies on the idea that companies solely use financial sense in analyzing improving the work environment. This is not the case.

Finally one must understand that

  1. Survey問題

The author maintains that +O, according to the survey of ~
Nevertheless, it is not clear concerning the scope and validity of that survey.
For example, the sample may not have been representative of +O, asking only those +M
Unless the survey’s respondents are typical of the overall population of ~, the author cannot rely on it to predict~
The survey may have been 5 pages, with 3 questions regarding~

  1. Moreover, need to know the exact questions asked by

the survey could have asked+ O if (舉錯誤問法),which may have swayed residents towards river sports.
Unless the survey is fully valid, reliable, and representative, it cannot be used to effectively support the argument.

  1. 增加%多但其實增加數量少

The increase inconsumption by 30 percent is insignificant in view of the fact that~
It is possible that only four accidents happened in Panoply and about five accidents happened in this company. If that is the case, there is no significant difference.

  1. ★過度簡化(oversimplification):找更多factors.

The author leaves out some significant factors that should be addressed to substantiate the argument.
不合邏輯的推論(illogical reasoning)或無法檢驗的論點
The argument is based on the writer’s own speculation rather than on the result of a study or on the government-released information. What is worse, he is trying to pass his speculation off as an established fact.

  1. 錯誤類比

*I wonder whether the comparison of two things suggests that they are similar when they are, in fact, distinctively different.
*The argument wrongly assumes that X and Y are analogous.

  1. 以偏概全(overgeneralization):

第一段:The author makes a logical connection between A and B, but he does not supply enough information to support its generalization.
最後一段:The evidence that the author lays out is not conclusive because only one example is rarely sufficient to establish a general conclusion.

  1. 誤用統計數字:

第一段:The argument makes a seemingly attractive claim, but its persuasive force is seriously weakened by the misinterpretation of its statistics.
最後一段:The author fails to interpret those statistics correctly.
Body programy最後一句小結:

  1. Unless the author can rule out such possibilities, I simply cannot be swayed by the prediction that~
  2. If so, the author must modify the prediction accordingly.
  3. To warrant his recommendation, a wider comparison ~is essential.
  4. Since S has failed to account for this possibility, the claim that…is completely unwarranted.
  5. Without ruling out these and other alternative explanations for ~, the mayor cannot reasonably infer~
  6. Unless S can convince me that these scenarios are unlikely I cannot accept S’s recommendation that S follow(原V) B's example.
  7. There are no data or information for those two important factors
  8. Unless S can convince me that these scenarios are unlikely I cannot acceptS’s recommendation that S follow(原V) B’s example.

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